Tuesday, March 3, 2009

English Class is Almost Over

The decision to take an eight week English class at Tidewater Community College isn't the best decision one can make, but a decision I made. Cramming well over four thousand words into eight weeks proved to be challenging. The instructor has methods of teaching that were new to me; this made the class more exciting and easier to keep interest in. Some of the teaching methods used in class consisted of media, visual references, and public presentation. Speaking in front of a group of people is challenging and rewarding at the same time. Well, maybe not at the same time, more so after the presentation is over. Even though the workload seemed too much at times, this was a good class and I learned some valuable lessons. The class served as a good source for discussion and the students are encouraged to communicate with each other. There were many intelligible discussions in class. Getting to know my classmates and interacting with them was a nice change of pace. Most of our work was due in the last two weeks of class; this made it very difficult to effectively spend the proper amount of time on each assignment. Did I mention this wasn’t my only class? I took a full semester for my first semester of college. It’s been a while since I was in college. Taking this English class required me to push myself very hard in order to complete my assignments effectively. Writing a paper at the last minute is not my style, and it was hard to find a balance in such a short time frame.
There were many assignments to do, this is not a class for just anyone. People who write papers at the last minute, don’t do their homework, or are just plain lazy should not take this class. Stick with the sixteen week semesters. Some of the assignments included; a rhetorical analysis essay, restaurant review essay, and the final essay. The final essay was an argument research essay. It was a very extensive assignment and required a lot of time in the library, on the internet, and in front of the computer. The assignment also consists of a presentation given in front of the class. This assignment sucks. I’m sorry Paul, but that is all I can say. I practiced in front of the mirror last night; I choked up many times in front of myself. Now would be a great time to insert text speak, but I know better. Assignments like the argument essay and presentation proved to be very challenging and required resources I have not used in a long time. I learned a lot from doing this assignment and I hope my classmates did as well.
Fast forward to the last assignment and here you have it, a blog. Of course it’s not just any blog; it’s a reflection of this class and a revised essay from the beginning of the semester. Also something I am doing for the first time, and I am a computer savvy individual. I guess the proof will be in the pudding, or in my grade. Blogging is not something I do, or will most likely do again after this assignment, unless of course another blog assignment is required. Time is valuable and I already spend enough time on my computer as it is.
English class was good, at times challenging, more challenging then I wanted to deal with sometimes, but still good. The teacher is a good teacher and cares about his students' success. Isn’t that what being a teacher is about? Fortunately for me this will be my last required English course, but if I need to further my studies in English I will choose the same teacher. If you are not willing to work for your grade and are just looking to make a passing grade, don’t take this class, find another teacher. If you want something out of class and enjoy modern teaching methods you will get a lot out of this class. Image of cheering cat courtesy of Google Images. One final note; I believe I am done!

1 comment:

  1. "People who write papers at the last minute, don’t do their homework, or are just plain lazy should not take this class."

    -Actually, they shouldn't take any classes. There should be no college level class that allows students to even pass with C if this is their behavior, otherwise it's a waste of time and / or money for all involved.
